Tuesday, September 16, 2008

All Glory To The Hypnotoad!

Futurama (in case you’ve been living under a rock) is an animated sitcom created by Matt Groening (the man famous for creating the Simpsons). The series follows the adventures of a pizza delivery boy, Philip J. Fry, who gets frozen just before the new millennium and is then revived a thousand years in the future.

One of the recurring characters in Futurama is the Hypnotoad - a large brown frog with spinning eyes, who emits a low, buzzing sound.

The Hypnotoad has the power to hypnotize almost any living thing at will – and he has his own TV show, called ‘Everybody Loves Hypnotoad’ in which it hypnotizes the audience. He’s also been known to show up in TV commercials endorsing products.

The Hypnotoad became a meme on 4chan when people began ending their forum post with ‘ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD’ – the Hypnotoad supposedly hypnotises the poster, so he cannot finish his original thought and instead honours the Hypnotoad. The next poster will continue the trend, until the whole thread is filled with ‘ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD’.

The Hypnotoad meme is often used to end a thread that someone considers boring, because after the Hypnotoad is introduced… it takes over.


  1. Serious apologies for the lack of posting. I have been crazy. My plan is to try my best to post a new meme/in-joke every Tuesday morning. Lets see how it goes...

  2. Good plan, batman. I bet you were expecting us all to end our comments with ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD...

  3. yes it is anALL GLORY TO HYPNOTOAD...

  4. You guys are soALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD...

